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Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR)

Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR)

The Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR), offered by us, are used for coating the billets or blooms before charging them into the re-heating furnace for hot rolling. Brushing, dipping and spraying are the apt methods by which the Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR) can be applied. Adequate time is to be provided for drying of Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR) before charging coated material into furnace.

Attributes :
  • Prevents scaling and decarburization during heating of billets or blooms.
  • A fortune in capital investments can be saved as existing furnace can be used for scale free heating which is otherwise possible only by use of a highly capital intensive controlled atmosphere furnace.
  • Unproductive work of scale disposal can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Reduces wear of furnace hearth as scale does not get accumulated in furnace.
  • Improves yield.
  • Surface quality of rolled product is improved as embedding of scale is prevented.

Technical Specifications

Packing 25 kgs. / 50 kgs. special HDPE container.
Description Pink paste free from visible extraneous matter.
Weight per litre 1.4 kgs ± 0.1 kg.
Flash Point Nil. Does not catch fire.
Safety Non hazardous. Non flammable. Non toxic during storage or use.
Shelf Life 12 months in factory sealed condition.