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Hot Forging Lubricants

Hot Forging Lubricants We offer a wide range of Hot Forging Lubricants which includes Hot Forging Lubricant (ESPON-GLF7), Hot Forging Lubricant (ESPON-LSH3) and Hot Forging Lubricant (ESPON-DLOV). Our Hot Forging Lubricants have excellent release & lubrication properties and contain finer quality polymer. read more...

Tapping Lubricants

Tapping Lubricants The use of an appropriate Tapping Lubricants is essential with most tapping and reaming operations. Using the right Tapping Lubricants can result in longer tap life, increased production, better work piece size control, smoother and more accurate threads, less re-sharpening, and more efficient chip removal. read more...

Anti Scale Protective Coatings

Anti Scale Protective Coatings We offer a wide assortment of Anti Scale Protective Coatings which is inclusive of Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HF), Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-HR) and Anti Scale Protective Coatings (ESPON-SR). read more...

Anti Nitriding Compound

Anti Nitriding Compound The Anti Nitriding Compound, offered by us, improves wear resistance, seizing resistance, corrosion resistance and fatigue life. No toxic or volatile materials are expelled from the Anti Nitriding Compound during coating or during heat treatment. read more...

Refractory Coatings

Refractory Coatings The Refractory Coatings, we offer, are used for coating refractory lining of re-heating furnaces, heat treatment furnaces and sealed quench furnaces. Our Refractory Coatings strengthen refractory lining by increasing thermal shock resistance. read more...

Anti Carb Paste

Anti Carb Paste The Anti Carb Paste, we offer, is a white paste free from the visible extraneous matter. The Anti Carb Paste, offered by us, eliminates the need of copper plating or provision of excess material in the areas where carburizing. read more...